Volume Control 2 (v2.0.1)

Volume Control 2 (v2.0.1)

Adding music and soundeffects to your game always requires some coding to set up a system to control, expose and save the volume settings of your application.

Volume Control has been designed to set up these things for you right away, giving you more time to focus on the most important – making great games!

For version 2 we reworked the system to be more modular, flexible and even easier to use. You can now define your own custom prefabs in the project settings, to control which prefabs (like volume sliders) should be used when creating UI elements from the menu items. Volume Control also allows you now to create custom Storage components, to give you control over how Volume Control stores your volume information and make it perfectly integrate with your save system.


• Simple Volume Control System

Volume Control makes it supereasy to control your games volume by providing to you predefined UI sliders and toggles to control your games audio settings at runtime

• Speedup your development

Volume Control works out of the box in every scene. You do not need to initialize it at game startup or write a single line of code to get it running

• Automated Save System

Volume Control automatically loads and saves it’s state when the game is started or closed

• Easy to use

Volume Control comes with a documentation and several example scenes to get you started right away

Online Documentation and Support

Our Online Documentation covers all you need to get started, including a basic introduction to all features and scripting examples.

Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/audio/volume-control-2-232030

Download Links:

Asset Version (v2.0.1)

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