Toon people (v3.1)

Toon people (v3.1)

This pack contains:
8 low poly animated characters and 8 VRavatars with interchangeable hairs, beards, ties, hats and glasses with all the cloth options for you to choose.
8 aditional older versions.

306 png textures: 163 cloth, 38 skins and normal map, 42 hair colours and normal map, 14 glasses and normal map, 40 hats, and more.
Resolution from 1024×1024 to 128×512.
Vertices / faces:
complex character 2834/5200
simple character 2029/3852.
213 character and 16 VRavatar prefabs.
Humanoid avatar.
16 Ragdoll examples.

139 animation files for male, female and elder.
More than 160 animations, inplace and root motion versions, check the videos for more info.
69 poses (static animations)


Download Links:

Asset Version (v3.1)

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