MIS-LockOn (v1.2.5)


MIS-LockOn is a custom add-on for Invector that runs based on Middleware For Invector Template (MIS).

Invector Template (Invector) which is one of the best controllers can be upgraded with MIS and MIS Packages. If you are not familar with MIS yet, please watch this MIS v2 Quick Setup Guide.

Targeting(Including Lock-On) and Target Indicator features are essential in most games. MIS-LockOn integrates these two features and provides better performance and easy customization.

Attacking enemies while moving fast is not easy. On the other hand, it is difficult to develop various weapons without the features provided by MIS-LockOn. Meanwhile, a better system is needed to target a growing number of enemies. Please check it on MIS-Motorcycle trailer either.

All MIS combat packages including MIS-Motorcycle, MIS-MagicSpell, and etc. will be developed based on MIS-LockOn. Let your players have experience a faster, more varied and easier combat system.

All combat features of MIS are developed using MIS-LockOn. It’s very simple and offers amazing performance.

Key Benefits

✅ Provides All-In-One Setup

✅ High performance

  • All target game objects are automatically registered and managed on Start().
  • It makes not to call APIs to search for colliders or look up game objects every frame
  • Uses only one Screen Space – Overay Canvas for all indicators
  • Provides better optimization feature through targeting frequency for low end devices

✅ Finding targets options

  • By Distance / Angle / Obstacle detection
  • Toggle Targeting: Left CTRL + Mouse 2

✅ LockOn

  • Set / Change: Mouse 2 button (Default)
  • Release: When the LockOn target is out of the screen (Mandatory)

✅ Provides Auto LockOn (Always the current target is set to LockOn target)

✅ Target Indicators

  • Supports types: Enemy / Object (Buff, Amor and Gate, etc.)
  • OnSelected: Currently selected target
  • OnLocked: Currently selected and locked target
  • OnScreen: The target in on screen
  • OffScreen: The target in out of screen (It indicates its direction, not a position)

✅ Easy Indicator setup and tunning

✅ Supports Emerald AI v3.2.0+

✅ Provides a Demo scene

✅ Does not modify Invector core

✅ All MIS Packages runs on a feature-based basis

Quick Setup Sequence


#2 MIS

#3 MIS-LockOn

Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/add-ons/mis-lockon-206634

Download Links:

Asset Version (v1.2.5)

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