Marketplace Cute Series (v1.0)

Marketplace Cute Series (v1.0)

This pack contains 244 prefabs to populate a medieval marketplace in your game. All props are using Unity’s standard shader with only 1 albedo texture. Use it with other Cute series products!

What’s included in this pack:

30 baskets and pails
33 crates
50 food: apple, bread, carrot, fish, meat, melon, pumpkin, tomato etc
5 hays
60 stalls
30 tables
5 tents
11 tools: anvil, chisel, hammer, scissor, stump, tong
6 wagons
14 weapons: shields, swords

Please see preview images and videos to know more about the content before purchasing.

The demo scenes in the package may require the following free plugins.
1) Post Processing Stack v2
You may import them into your project using Unity’s package manager but note that the asset itself can work properly without the plugin.
3D files are in FBX in the package. Additional fee may be required for other file formats.


Download Links:

Asset Version (v1.0)

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