LongBow Pack (5.0)


Longbow pack, include 5 longbow with animation, 5 quiver, 5 arrow set, 3 arrows per set.

Last Update 04/21/22
A complete Longbow pack
Longbow animation
Arrows (large, medium, small, unique mesh no scaled)

Technical Details

5 Longbows
5 Arrows Sets – a total of 15 arrows
5 Quivers
45 Animations, 9 per Longbow
Animations has separated as

Combined (Shot and Stretch)
Animations has 3 animated modes

Extra large

Skeletal Mesh
5 Skeletal Mesh 1 per Longbow
Number of Unique Meshes: 25
Collision: Yes, automatically generated
LODs: No

Vertex Count
Longbow 1: 1272v
Longbow 2: 1607v
Longbow 3: 3703v
Longbow 4: 3578v
Longbow 5: 2359v
Quiver 1: 2143v
Quiver 2: 1125v
Quiver 3: 1894v
Quiver 4: 2742v
Quiver 5: 5688v

Set 1: 262v
Set 2: 120v
Set 3: 198v
Set 4: 602v
Set 5: 121v

Materials: 1
Material Instances: 11
Number of Textures
33 Textures 2K
33 Textures 4K
Texture Resolutions
4096×4096 px
2048×2048 px
Supported Development Platforms
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
Console: Yes
Others: No tested

Original_Link: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/longbow-pack

Download Links:

Asset Version (5.0)

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