KWS Water System (Standard Rendering) v1.4.05


Water System is a module based component allowing you to simulate such water surfaces as an ocean/sea/river/lakes/pool/etc. Water System targeted at PC/console platforms and standard rendering.

Before updating, remove the old version
This version is only compatible with the standard built-in rendering and is not compatible with URP/HDRP/Mobiles/WebGL. It requires compute shaders support.

Water for URP version
Water for HDRP version

Compatibility for mobile platforms will be added to separate packages due to mobile limitations.
All demo scenes and resources from the video are included.

Water rendering uses physical approximation for lighting and wave simulation and is based on physical parameters such as wind power, turbidity, transparency, dispersion, etc. Therefore, water rendering should look correct in any scene, such as during the day, at night, at sunset, or in a cave.

GPU waves simulation with multiple cascades (to avoid tiling)
Physical approximation of lighting (volumetric lights and shadows, absorption, scattering, caustics, sunshafts)
Physical approximation of reflections using fast screen-space projected reflections (several times faster than other SSR methods), camera planar reflections, cubemap(probe) reflection
Physical approximation of refraction in screen space with dispersion (using water IOR)
Physical approximation of caustics relative to water depth and waves (with dispersion).
Underwater effect with partial submersion
Underwater sunshafts/volumetric lighting with caustics
Shoreline waves rendering with foam particles
Flow rendering using flowmaps (integrated flowmap painter)
Fluids simulation for static objects (rivers) with foam rendering
River system using splines
Dynamic ripples
Rain effect
VR supported (PC target platform)
Various meshes: infinite mesh(ocean), finite box (pool), spline rivers, custom mesh
Lod system with tesselation or quadtree rendering
Writing to depth buffer (for correct posteffects like ‘depth of fields’)
Video/text description of each setting in the editor.
Fog compatibility (in one click) with third-party assets for Enviro, Azure, Weather Maker, Atmospheric height fog, Volumetric fog and mist2, COZY weather.


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Asset Version (v1.4.05)

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