
This asset contains 416 cute animations for women. We are planning further updates in the future.
This asset is the Unity version of the one sold on the Unreal Engine Market.

This asset contains many cute animations of women. I created it little by little based on requests from everyone.

We started with a goal of 100 animations and currently have 416 animations.

We will continue to accept requests. However, there is a notice at the bottom of the description, so please take a look.

——–◇◇◇ Asset contents ◇◇◇——–

Animations in assets are broadly classified into four types.

1.Walk, Run, Jump, Turn, Swimming, Crawling, Lantern, Stick to the wall

The purpose was to replace the animation of the third person template, but the following was added as requested.

Backward, Left, Right, Pivot, Start, Stop, Turn

Swimming is also added, although it does not have as much volume as dedicated assets.

2.Idle animation

This asset has idle animations that perform various actions.

They all connect seamlessly.

3. Sit on a chair, Sleep on a bed.

9 animations of people sitting on chairs. There are 6 animations of people lying on the bed.

4. Combat animation.

I created four types: bare-handed, one-handed sword, wizard, and heavy long sword.


——–About soliciting requests——–

Thank you very much for your many requests.

I learned a lot and it was very encouraging.

Future requests and requests that could not be adopted will be added to this asset little by little in the future, or will be referenced when creating another asset.

Please request from reviews and questions.

I am very, very grateful. Thank you very much!


Technical details

Number of Animations:416

Animation types:Root Motion&In place

Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/animations/kawaii-animations-100-277585

Download Links:

Asset Version (v1.9.0)

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