Heat – Complete Modern UI (v1.1.6)


Heat UI is a complete user interface solution that allows you to easily create stylish user interfaces. It is designed to look great on any genre.

• UI Manager

Instead of changing objects one by one, you change the whole look of your UI within seconds – all using the UI Manager!

• Fully Customizable

You can tweak everything using the inspector, no need to deal with code or external tools for every minor change.

• Rich UI Components

With over 15 unique UI elements, dozens of presets and sliced sprites, you can easily create various UI layouts.

• Complete Solution

This package includes not just UI components, but also many other tools you may need, such as Achievements, Credits, Localization System, and more!

• Demo Scenes

Includes fully featured demo scenes to get you started quickly.

• Wide Platform Support

Supports all available rendering pipelines (Built-in, URP, HDRP) and major platforms such as Windows, macOS, Xbox, and PlayStation.

• Native UI Support

Heat UI is made using the native Unity UI, allowing you to continue working as you’re used to and even use third-party UGUI extensions with it.

Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/gui/heat-complete-modern-ui-264857

Download Links:

Asset Version (v1.1.6)

Asset Version (v1.1.5)

Asset Version (v1.1.4)

Asset Version (v1.1.3)

Asset Version (v1.0.7)

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