Flat DARK GUI / UI Kit! Over 600 PNG files, 108 icons. Everything you need for your games and apps.
Contains graphics for:
Windows in 6 colors themes:
- Pause
- Settings
- Shop
- Inventory
- Quests
- Levels
- Chat
- Messages
- Missions
- Item info, delete, log in, exit
108 Unique Items & Icons
in 5 sizes: 32x32px, 64x64px, 128x128px, 256x256px, 512x512px
- Large buttons (in 10 colors)
- Small buttons with icons (in 10 colors)
- Small buttons with icons (outlined)
- Checkbox, toggle, radio, dropdown
Other elements:
- Health & mana bars (in 5 colors)
- Health & mana bubbles (in 5 colors)
- Scrollbars
- Slider
- Input field
- Chat Clouds
- Action bar
+ Complete .psd editable files
+ .ai files with icons
Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/gui/flat-dark-themed-gui-ui-kit-over-600-png-185301