Character Auras 3 (v1.0)

Character Auras 3 (v1.0)

The pack contains 12 amazing aura effects!

List of effects:

  1. Autumn aura
  2. Blood aura
  3. Confetti aura
  4. Fast wind
  5. Fire aura
  6. Forest aura
  7. Heal aura
  8. Ice aura
  9. In Yang
  10. Love aura
  11. Poison aura
  12. Star aura

All prefabs are game ready, just take and drop them into your game!

LOOK HERE! These are not mesh effects! All effects are just simple looped particles system!

All platforms supported!

URP and HDRP supported using this support package, click here!

Technical details

Promo media (videos, images, etc.) uses free post processing “Bloom” from the package manager.


Download Links:

Asset Version (v1.0)

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