Survival Crafting Stations (4.27+)

Survival Crafting Stations (4.27+)

This Crafting stations pack is ideal for survival games, horror, building games.

30 buildings with a total of 256 meshes, mostly all the stations comes with an interaction (animation, sound, particles, light, etc.)
All of the assets are highly detailed in 4k
The pack includes a power system for all electrical buildings

Cables connect automatically when in range with another electrical building
Power flow display can be activated to show cables connected to a powered generator
Deleting a generator or relay will cause buildings connected to power off
Generator running out of fuel will power off connected buildings
Farming plots includes a planting system with growth rate and harvest
Building menu includes icons from all crafting station
Advanced cooking station includes a cooking system with cooked and burnt stage.
Cabinet storage can place item on them.
Apex destruction plugin needs to be enabled in order for the demonstration to work.

Technical Details
Number of Blueprints: 35
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes


Download Links:

Asset Version (4.27+)

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