This asset lets you quickly and easily add a delayed damage effect to your healthbars. Use the included example widget to hit the ground running on a new project, or easily integrate the base widget into an existing project to get the same functionality.
Quick Setup
Use the example healthbar widget as a base to build upon and customize in your own projects, or reparent an existing widget to gain access to delayed healthbar functionality.
Detailed Documentation
A dedicated guide to integrating the asset in your project is provided in the linked documentation, along with an API reference for the delayed healthbar widget. Additionally, all Blueprint code is commented and written to be easily understandable and readable.
Ready-To-Use Example
The asset comes with an example implementation of a delayed healthbar widget so you can get up and running quickly. The example features:
- Damage volumes that do a random amount of damage to characters every second
- Healing volumes that gradually restore characters’ health over time
- Screen-space per-character healthbars
- Player HUD healthbar
- Automatically hiding characters’ healthbars when full after a short delay
- Damage blip animation
- Last damage dealt text + animation
- Delayed damage healthbar that slowly catches up to the actual healthbar
Technical Details
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Windows