Youtube video player (v8.8f)

Youtube video player (v8.8f)

Play youtube videos inside your game or project. Works for Desktop, Consoles and Mobiles. You can play youtube videos where you want.
9 Years providing a solution to play youtube video inside unity projects. ♥

Live video supported if you have a HLS player (easy movie texture, avpro, for example)

Play youtube videos using the unity video player or a custom player.

We support live videos, but this feature dont work with unity video player, you will need a HLS supported video player.

♥ Support 360º ♥

Works on Windows 11


*More than 8 years supporting that asset, we are the first to provide a way to play youtube videos inside unity.

*Demos included.

*Create your own playlist with video urls.

*Light react to videos system.

*Start videos from a desired time.

*Play videos fullscreen, on objects, on Ui, on 360 spheres(demos included).

* Works for all platforms (webgl(chrome, firefox) use third party server to get the video urls).

Webgl documentation: link

* Work with normal or not listed youtube videos.

* For livestream you need a HLS player like, Easy Movie Texture, VLC for unity, AvPro…

* Play any YouTube Video

* Simple setup

Technical details

You can play youtube videos in any surface:





Demos included.


Download Links:

Asset Version (v8.8f)

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