vHierarchy v1.0.21 (Mar 22 2024)


Unlike other hierarchy assets, vHierarchy is:

– Minimal: no gimmicks or visual clutter

– Customizable: any feature can be disabled

– Optimized: no editor lags

– Safe: no hidden GameObjects, won’t mess up your project if uninstalled


Component minimap

– See components listed on the right

– Alt-Click a component icon to open component editor popup

Custom icons and colors

– Highlight GameObjects

– Create dividers or folders

Shortcuts (work on the GameObject under mouse, no need to select it)

– Press A to toggle active

– Press F to focus

– Press X to delete

– Press E to expand or collapse

– Press Shift-E to expand only one object

– Press Ctrl-Shift-E to collapse everything

Lighting window

– Adjust directional light without selecting it

– Edit ambient lighting and fog without opening the rendering tab

Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/vhierarchy-249759

Download Links:

Asset Version v1.0.21 (Mar 22 2024)

Asset Version (v1.0.19)

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