Universal Fighting Engine 2 (Source) v2.5.0


Universal Fighting Engine (UFE 2) is a framework to develop a variety of 2D, 2.5D and 3D fighting games using a multitude of templates and visual editors.

The biggest additions to the toolkit on version 2 is the native rollback netcode (with deterministic physics), support for 2D animations (complete with a custom hitbox editor) and brand new modes that allows for a variety of 3D gameplay.

Give it a try, click here to play or download the demo.
All builds are cross-platform. To search for a match click “Online” (US Server).

Feature Spotlight:

  • User friendly editors
  • Advanced A.I. support (Random and Fuzzy AI)
  • Network support (Frame Delay and Rollback)
  • Story mode
  • Easy character setup
  • Combo system
  • Grappling move support
  • Custom input manager
  • Mecanim and Legacy animation support
  • Cinematic options
  • Compatible with Unity GUI
  • Custom UI editors
  • Mobile friendly
  • Extended coding support
  • 6 Characters and over 180 animations included

What is new on 2.x:

  • Rollback netcode
  • Photon support
  • Custom Hitbox Editor
  • 3D Gameplay
  • Replay Tools
  • Character Assist
  • Multi-gauge
  • Challenge Mode
  • Full support for resource loaded assets
  • And more…

Supported Addons:

  • Photon Unity Network 2
  • Control Freak
  • cInput
  • Rewired
  • Simple Bluetooth for Android
  • Bluetooth Networking for iOS, tvOS and Android

Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/systems/universal-fighting-engine-2-source-126124

Download Links:

Asset Version (v2.5.0)

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