Umbra Boundary Builder (v2.5.1)

Umbra Boundary Builder (v2.5.1)

Build invisible boundaries around levels or zones to block the player and modify navmesh.

I’ve used some boundary tools in the past, and none of them met my expectations. I wanted better, so I built better.

Notable Features

  • Add nodes to your scene that turn into a boundary with a few simple clicks
  • Makes sure your navmesh and the AI that uses it respects the same boundaries your player does
  • See the boundary being created in real-time without having to bake it
  • Simple, lightweight, easy to use

As always, if you’ve got some comments, suggestions, or find some bugs, let me know through my email or the contact form on my website.

And don’t forget to rate and comment to help us publishers out! 🙂

Technical details

  • Creates and manages node-based boundaries with all of the settings you need to make the process as painless as possible
  • See boundaries created in real-time without having to go through a baking process
  • Optionally generate a mesh to make is easy to bake a navmesh that respects the boundary
  • Simple, lightweight, easy to use


Download Links:

Asset Version (v2.5.1)

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