UHFPS offers an extensive collection of assets, tools, and pre-built systems, allowing you to jump straight into developing your unique horror masterpiece.
Technical details
🎮 Core Components:
- Cinemachine Player Camera
- Extensive Player Controller
- Texture or Tag Footsteps
- Procedural Headbobbing
- Procedural Motion Controller
- Player Leaning
- Weight-Based Drag Rigidbody
- Examine Manager
- Player Items Manager
- Extensive State Machines
🔦 Player Items:
- Camcorder
- Lighter
- Candle
- Flashlight
- Lantern
- Pistol
- Pocket Knife
- Axe
🔧 Systems:
- Variable Inventory (RE Style)
- Save Game System
- Objectives System
- Narration System
- Game Manager
- Floating Icons
- Jumpscares
- Elevator
- Cutscenes
- Rebindable Input
- Localization
🧩 Puzzles:
- Electric Circuit
- Lockpicking
- Fusebox
- Keycard
- Keypad
- Levers Chain
- Levers Order
- Levers State
- Number Padlock
- Key Padlock
- Keypad Safe
- Dial Safe
🚪 Dynamic Objects:
- Openable, Pullable, Switchable, Rotable
- Interact Types & Dynamic States
👻 Extras:
- Simple Zombie AI
- Player Timeline Cutscene
- Camera Timeline Cutscene
- UI Menus (Main, Pause, Loader)
- Ladder, Zipline, Pushable, Sliding State
- Pickups, Breakable Objects, Realistic VHS, CCTV
- Interactable Lights, Pressure Plate
- Interfaces, Events
- And much more…
Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/systems/uhfps-ultimate-horror-fps-kit-254506