TPS – FPS Character System (5.1)


TPS – FPS Character System is product for creating multiplayer game.

Key features:
Powerful Weapon System
Various Character Movement Abilities
Cover System
Third / First Person Player Camera System
Weapon Feel Technology

Main features such as the weapon system and the character locomotion are also available in the other our products:
FPS Character System
TPS Character System
Weapon System

Technical Details
This project uses the Animation Starter Pack by Epic Games, sound and SFX from Shooter Game Template. All features supports first and third person parts and full network replication. Blueprints are full commented and clear.
Locomotion with Weapon
Weapon animation type with aim off for each main locomotion state
Reload animation
Weapon position in hand
Shooting animation
Swap weapon. Primary and secondary slots
Weapon System
Base on hit-scan principal.
Support auto, semi, burst, bolt / pump action and single shot.
Recoil and spread
Damage system
Visual and sounds effects
Character influence
Scope with zoom feature
Camera shake
Main Locomotion
Stand, crouch main states with blind / aim opportunity
Reworked starter pack animation
Cover System
Low cover jump over
Low cover climb
Root motion animation
First person camera
Weapon position relative player camera
Third person camera
Transition between camera mode
Camera mirror
Melee attack
Heath system
Supported Platforms: PC, MAC
Number of Blueprints: 20 +
Input Mappings: Gamepad, Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: Yes


Download Links:

Asset Version (5.1)

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