The Vegetation Engine (v12.4.0)

The Vegetation Engine (v12.4.0)

The Vegetation Engine is a set of highly customizable vegetation and props shaders and powerful tools designed to unify any asset from the Unity Asset Store, Megascans, Speedtree, Tree Creator, and more, or custom models made by your team.

Technical details
â—‹ Features
✓ One-click Scene setup
✓ One-click Prefab conversion and revert
✓ Automatic Mesh, Material, and Textures conversion
✓ Prefab Converter Presets and API
✓ Prefab Settings Presets and API
✓ Comprehensive Scene Debugger
✓ Full source code included
✓ Set the Material setting for multiple prefabs at once
✓ Save and reuse the Material settings
✓ Easy to use Hub to switch render pipelines or add shader features
✓ Regular Prefabs, Meshes, and Materials output after conversion
✓ Prefabs can be placed as Scene GameObjects or Terrain Trees
✓ GPU Instancing support for elements
✓ Book of the Dead demo scene included
✓ Dynamic Wind and Turbulence
✓ Dynamic Vegetation Interaction
✓ Dynamic Seasons
✓ Global Overlay (Snow, Sand, Dust)
✓ Global Wetness
✓ Global Distance-based Size Fade
✓ Element Shaders for detailing and customizing motion interaction, motion flow, motion direction, wind power, tinting, overlay mask, wetness mask, size and leaves amount (Mesh and Particle support)

â—‹ Shaders
✓ Amplify Shader Editor graph included
✓ Amplify Base Function with over 50 options to create your own shaders with the options you need and the optimizations required for your project!
✓ Standard and Subsurface Lit optimized shader models
✓ Foliage, Grass, and Cross vegetation shaders
✓ Layers to choose what elements affect the material
✓ Emissive maps support for all shaders
✓ Camera Distance fade support
✓ Glancing Angle fade support
✓ Flutter Motion fade out support
✓ Grass Motion highlight tinting support
✓ 3D Noise and Gradient Tint support for the vegetation shader
✓ Grass Perspective Correction when viewed from the top
✓ Grass Baked Pivots support for correct bending and interaction with large meshes
✓ Bark shaders with vertex paint and height based blending support
✓ Props shaders with vertex paint and height based blending support
✓ Props shaders with top/down projection and height based blending support
✓ Deferred Subsurface approximation support!
✓ Forward high-quality transmission Subsurface support!
✓ Batching support for all shaders (with limited features)!
✓ Forward and Deferred support
✓ VR, Perspective, and Orthographic support
✓ SRP Batcher and DOTS Instancing support
✓ Zero Global Keywords used
✓ Opaque and Transparent render modes
✓ Default, Mirror, and Flip Normal modes (Identical to HDRP materials)
✓ Front, Back, and Double-Sided cull modes
✓ Alpha and Premultiply blending support
✓ Alpha Cutout support


Download Links:

Asset Version (v12.4.0)

Asset Version (v12.2.0)

Asset Version (v10.5.0)

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