Tactical Artillery Genre (4.26+)


A side-scroller tactical artillery turn-based template, with each player moving in sequence based on the array of players that have been spawned in game.
Within a turn, each player can perform 3 attacks by default, which can be changed inside of TAG Player’s blueprint.
A game organizer blueprint can determine how long will each player’s turn last, it can also determine how many players will exist, what teams they’ll be on, what names and how much health points they’ll have.
An inventory can be set up inside of TAG Player’s blueprint through an inventory array variable.
Players can be provided with weapons such as handguns, rifles, grenades, artillery and bare fists.
Player can switch weapons via mouse scroll/wheel.
100% made with blueprints.
Video demonstration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh1_I56W9sI

Technical Details
Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
Floating widget for health, current weapon, name, team
Turn-Based Multiplayer
Headshot damage
Modular critical damage
Time-limited turns
Friendly fire ON
Frag grenade
Sticky bomb
Number of Blueprints: 11
Input: Keyboard, Gamepad

Original_Link: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/tactical-artillery-genre

Download Links:

Asset Version (4.26+)

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