Survival Combat and AI (5.0)


Overview :
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This asset is a blueprint that implements enemy AI that is good for survival games. Enemy action close attack, distant attack. Enemies’ Health was implemented, and enemies were also implemented to attack. Enemies can see, listen and when they see, they attack. Animals run away when they see player. Blueprint works just by laying nav mesh on your scene and dragging and dropping enemy blueprint.

Main asset of this product is blueprint about enemy AI.
You can change mesh and animation of enemy.
This asset support multi play game.

Technical Details
Support Multiplay
Enemy Spawner
Wolf attack you
Melee Enemy
Enemy can listen, see and have hit reaction.
Survival simple combat system.
Stealth kill
Counter Attack
Middle Boss Enemy
Lock on mode
loot from enemy
Dead screen
Simple health bar
Number of Blueprints: 16
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: Yes


Download Links:

Asset Version (5.0)

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