Slow Motion Dodge Jump V1 (5.1+)VIP 

Slow Motion Dodge Jump V1 (5.1+)VIP 

The Dodge Jump component asset allows developers to integrate a movie like action jump where characters can jump while aiming with a basic slow motion effect.

This asset also offers an easy way to control the distance and height of the jump via curves and also various exposed variables that can be changed in the component. (Such as the capsule size when dodge jumping or the slow motion time dilation)

The blueprint component is easy to integrate into existing character blueprints after retargeting the included animations and linking the animation blueprint to the existing character AnimBP.

A quick demo is also included. The component is fully commented to allow users to easily see how everything is set up.

Included in the asset pack, besides the dodge jump animation and logic is also a breakable window (at various sizes) with a lightweight material that can be easily changed. This window can easily be placed in a scene and results in a nice cinematic effect when the user dodge jumps through the window.

A feature that is to be developed in the future is also an extremely simple prone movement. (Only an animation that is played when moving) This is done so the character does not remain stuck under various obstacles in case the capsule can not be resized to its original size.

Technical Details


  • Dodge Jump Component that allows the user to mimic a cinematic move seen in action movies.
  • Breakable Window actor that can be placed in a scene to be used with the jumping character
  • Simple Slow Motion effect
  • Easy to implement in existing character blueprints

Number of Blueprints: 5 (1 Component, 1 AnimBP, 1 Interface, 2 Actors)

Input: Mouse and Keyboard

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Untested/No


Download Links:

Asset Version (5.1+)


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