Sky Master ULTIMATE: Volumetric Skies, Clouds & Weather (5.7.3)

Sky Master ULTIMATE: Volumetric Skies, Clouds & Weather (5.7.3)

Sky Master is a premium weather system for Unity, enjoy the most extensive Dynamic Sky, Weather, Volumetric Cloud – Lighting, Dynamic GI & Ocean solution, covering the vast majority of game and performance requirement scenarios.

The system includes industry level optimized Volumetric Clouds, Volumetric Lighting, an Ocean system, GI Proxy and optimized SEGI for real time Global Illumination and a physically based Sky Rendering system with atmospheric scattering.

The Beta versions of the URP and HDRP complete remakes of the system are available to all users on request in Sky Master Unity forum thread, or through a Personal Message in Unity forum or ARTnGame Discord Channel with the invoice or order number. The Beta versions are separate standalone projects and the store system installation should be removed before installing the URP or HDPR packages.

The Sky Manager provides automatic or on demand day/night cycle & smooth weather transitions.


Download Links:

Asset Version (5.7.3)

Asset Version (5.7.0g)

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