Sky Master (v1.7.1)


Sky Master is a Dynamic Sky, Weather & Cloud solution for Unity, with support for all Unity versions/platforms and is ideal for both mobile and desktop use.


– NEW(v1.5)-Complete integration with Unity 5 and all its features (IBL, GI, Skybox) with the new skybox mode.
– NEW(v1.5)-Artistic dynamic effects in sky shading (e.g. heat haze shimmering, sepia)
– NEW(v1.5)-New performance oriented shader & asset bundle & more ready to use prefabs.
– NEW(v1.5)-Volumetric scatter fog shading for mesh and Unity terrains
– REAL SKY – Physically based atmospheric scattering, for realistic sky rendering & Artistic special effects.
– REAL CLOUDS – Dynamic cloud formations, affected by season and wind. Volumetric particle clouds & fog. Fly through ready.
– REAL SUN RAYS – Dynamic sun beams, with smooth transitions & occlusion system.
– REAL WEATHER – Seasonal control of weather effects, with smooth transitions
– REAL STORM – Heavy storm simulation, with dynamic cloud fronts, lightning & lighting effects
– REAL TORNADO – Dynamic controllable tornados
– REAL VOLCANO -realistic volcanic erruption, smoke & lava flow.


Download Links:

Asset Version (v1.7.1)

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