Savior Auto-Save Plugin (5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4)VIP 

Savior is a C++ tool designed to extend Unreal’s save system, providing a more powerful serialization framework for complex Unreal projects.

Technical Details


  • Savior 3+ is tens of times faster than Savior 1.x.
  • Save any Object is supported, not just Actors or Components.
  • Versioning. Your Game will be able to load old ‘.SAV’ files after patches.
  • Optimized: NO Components needed to be attached thus no memory eaten for the sake of storing data.
  • Optimized: NO destructive workflow. Existing Actors aren’t destroyed/replaced, keeping references alive safe.
  • Automatic Level Transitions on Load from Slot.
  • Threaded Save & Load Game Mode, independent of Level.
  • Threaded Save & Load whole Game World or individual Actors.
  • Threaded Save & Load Streamed Levels without pausing the Game.
  • Threaded Save & Load any Dynamic Actors and Components spawned at Runtime.
  • Threaded Save & Load Scale, Location, Rotation, Velocity automatically.
  • Threaded Save & Load Actor’s Visibility, Particle Systems’ state, etc.


Download Links:

Asset Version (5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4)


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