Ring Menu Construction Kit (4.27)


This is a fully customizable, easy to use ring menu construction kit with out-of-the-box functionality, waiting for you to get creative!

• Unlimited number of buttons, automatically arrangeable, plus an optional center button
• Many different control schemes, incl. gamepad, mouse cursor, mouse wheel and keyboard
• Customize everything! Use your own buttons, textures, materials, animations and colors
• 3 positioning options: absolute screen position, show at mouse position or stick it to any asset
• New ButtonInfo structure for easy integration with your game
• Supports 3D widgets, networked environments, 4k resolution, slow motion and more
• Control everything from out-of-the-box Blueprint functions

RingMenu Files:
• WB_RM_BaseMenu (create your own menus as childs from this widget)
• WB_RM_BaseButton (derive your custom buttons from here)
• WB_RM_BaseInfoBox (create your info boxes from this asset)
• 4.25 and older menu files are still existent, but now marked as deprecated

• Additional content:
Sample assets:
• 5 example menus, 5 example buttons, 1 Mouse cursor widget, 1 blank cursor widget, and lots of demo textures, materials and audio files

Technical Details
Number of Assets: 3 Menu Blueprints, 1 Struct, 3 Enumerations, 2 Cursor Widgets
Intended Platforms: All
Platforms Tested: Windows

Original_Link: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/ring-menu-construction-kit

Download Links:

Asset Version (4.27)

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