rdBPtools is an editor plugin that makes creating prefab like Blueprints easy and powerful.
Technical Details
- Â Make high-speed, fast editing prefab like Blueprints
- Edit each Instance per actor, optionally copy changes back to prefab asset
- Â Easily copy them back to the level as actors
- Â Easily move around and migrate without loosing any details
- Create uniqueness with a powerful Randomization system
- Harvest Meshes from Foliage and PCG (any volume)
- Compatible with rdInst, a C++ Instanced StaticMesh Manager to handle large amounts of meshes in Editor and optionally at runtime if you choose to include it.
- Assimilate child Actors Instances into one Actor.
- Gives you the ability to share 1 Blueprint object through-out the whole level.
- Copy meshes to the Foliage system
- Convert Blueprints to LevelInstance Actors or PackedInstances.
- When paired with rdInst, easily create Spawn Actors from existing actors
Code Modules:
- Â rdBPtools (Editor)
Number of Blueprints: 5
Number of C++ Classes: 12
Network Replicated: Actors in the Blueprints can be replicated.
Supported Development Platforms: Win64,Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64,Linux
Documentation: https://recourse.nz/index.php/rdBPtools
Example Project: (N/A)
Important/Additional Notes:
Original_Link: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/rdbptools