Rail Shooter – Game Template (v1.0.1)


This template allows you to quickly build a game where you control a spaceship that flies along a guided path to shoot at enemies.

The package is compatible with all render pipelines in general as it has no dependencies to rendering, but there is no dedicated pipeline switching process for the materials included in the package. 

You would need to use the material updater of your render pipeline to swap out the used materials on the models.

Create a Rail Shooter spaceship game in minutes!

Learning to create a new game in Unity can be fun, but it can also be daunting to start from scratch without any guidance at all. 

Procedural Worlds Game Templates help you by providing a solid basis for the core mechanics of your next game. Drag and drop a few prefabs in your scene, and you get the first playable level. String multiple scenes together to create a complete game with multiple levels. From there you can exchange art assets and further expand on the template to make the game your own.

The Rail Shooter Template contains the game elements from the classic rail shooter genre. Players travel along a predetermined path with a spaceship, shooting at enemies that appear on the screen. The aim is to survive the level whilst beating the high score. This template is a good starting point for a game with an arcade-style feel.

The pack contains the core tech for

  • Controlling a player spaceship in 3rd person (Movement, shooting)
  • Guiding player movement along a GeNa spline (or free form)
  • Game Menu and Game States (Playing / Paused / Game Over)
  • Basic enemy placement, movement and AI behavior
  • Simple UI for displaying, health, score etc.
  • Shooting and destroying enemies
  • Collectable PowerUps
  • Speed Boost and Health
  • Level Switching / Loading

Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/game-toolkits/rail-shooter-game-template-218214

Download Links:

Asset Version (v1.0.1)

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