Quest Machine (v1.2.38)

Quest Machine (v1.2.38)

Full-featured quest system for designer-authored and procedurally-generated quests.
Quest Machine is a full-featured, easy-to-use, extensible quest system that lets you add hand-written and procedurally-generated quests to your project.

Works with all Unity versions 2019+ including 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.
No scripting required.

Procedurally-generated quests: Create unlimited quests at runtime based on the actual state of the game world. Your players will always have something interesting to do!
Hand-written quests: Create any type of quest you can imagine, using an easy node-based editor. You’re not locked into a limited set of archetypes.

Powerful, flexible UI system:
• Dialogue UI: Offer, update, & turn in quests.
• Quest Journal: Review active and completed quests.
• Tracking HUD: Show quest progress.
• Alert HUD: Show alert messages.
• Overhead Indicators: Tell player when NPCs have quest-related dialogue.
• Gracefully handles switching between mouse, keyboard, joystick, and touch input.

Versatile quest control components: Control object spawning and quest states with an easy-to-use event-based system.

Advanced text handling:
Give your characters unique dialects.
Localize quest content and UIs.
Import and export to CSV (e.g., Excel & Google Sheets).
Save and load: Save and load games, persist data across scene changes.

Broad platform support:
Works great in 2D and 3D.
Supports multiplayer games.
Tested on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, WebGL, and consoles.

Great programmer support:
Includes complete, thoroughly-documented source code.
Extensive scripting API.
Easy starter templates to create your own quest conditions, actions, UI content, and reward systems.

Includes support for:
Adventure Creator
Behavior Designer
Compass Navigator Pro
Corgi Platformer Engine
Dialogue System for Unity
DMMap Minimap System
Emerald AI
HUD Navigation System
Invector Controllers
Inventory Engine
Inventory Pro
Opsive Character Controllers
Opsive Ultimate Inventory System
ORK Framework
RPG Builder
Super Text Mesh
TopDown Engine
uMMORPG Classic
uMMORPG Remastered


Download Links:

Asset Version (v1.2.38)

Asset Version (v1.2.37.1)

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