Quarry Cliffs (4.27+)

Quarry Cliffs (4.27+)

A set of realistic cliffs with supporting rubble piles, rocks and terrain materials. Also includes a bonus excavator static mesh.

All objects have 4 LODs (100%, 50%, 25%, 13%) and collision meshes. Most of the meshes come with 4k texture sets.

All big cliff pieces are closed from all sides but bottom. They can all be used as 360 objects. Front and back sides use the same texture space for optimization purposes. The seams on the sides have almost entirely been eliminated by a combination of smart texturing and UV mapping. Some of the cliffs can still show slight visible texture seams on the sides when looked from very close.

All big cliff materials are using double detail material overlay, projected in world space for consistency. This means they still appear very detailed even when the camera is really close to them. It also means that the meshes can be scaled and rotated and will still keep consistent detail pattern. Material instances have all the necessary parameters exposed to control the look of these detail overlays. They can also be painted out in parts via vertex painting.

The excavator is a bonus static mesh and is not yet rigged or animated, but has all the LODs and auto-generated player collision.

Technical Details

Features: 6 large cliff meshes, 16 rocks and rubble piles, 1 excavator, 3 terrain materials with displacement, 4 additional tileable mesh materials

Texture Sizes: 4k textures (44), 2k textures (14)

Collision: Yes, automatically generated

Vertex Count: 27k (excavator), ~20k (big cliffs), ~10k (rubble piles), ~1k (medium rocks), ~40 (small rocks)

LODs: Yes, four: 100%, 50%, 25%, 13%

Number of Meshes: 26

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 4 materials, 18 material instances, 2 material functions

Number of Textures: 58

Supported Development Platforms: Tested on Windows, intended primarily for PC, VR and consoles

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows and consoles

Original_Link: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/quarry-cliffs

Download Links:

Asset Version (4.27+)

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