Post Soviet Hostel (4.27+)VIP 

This pack was developed for the Twin Soul game demo, and includes a hostel according to real russian standards, with many objects suitable to russian life. All objects shown in the scene are designed in one style and are perfectly suitable for a AAA class game in the genres of horror, adventure or shooter. All props have a slight weariness and dilapidation.

The doors and windows are assembled into blueprints which have rotation control and variety.

The lamps are assembled into blueprints which have emissive intensity.

Technical details

Texture Size: Varied (1024 to 2048)

Collision: Yes (Hand-made).

Collision Exceptions: SM_BigDoor_01_Part_01, SM_BigDoor_01_Part_02, SM_BigDoor_01_Part_03, SM_BigDoor_01_Part_04, SM_BigDoor_02_Part_01, SM_BigDoor_02_Part_02, SM_BigDoor_02_Part_03, SM_BigDoor_02_Part_04, SM_BigDoor_02_Part_05, SM_BigDoor_03_Part_01, SM_BigDoor_03_Part_02, SM_BigDoor_03_Part_03, SM_BigDoor_03_Part_04, SM_BigDoor_03_Part_05, SM_Door_05_Part_01, SM_Door_05_Part_02, SM_Door_05_Part_03, SM_Door_05_Part_04, SM_Door_06_Part_01, SM_Door_06_Part_02, SM_Door_06_Part_03, SM_Door_06_Part_04, SM_Elevator_01_ADD_A, SM_Elevator_01_ADD_B, SM_Elevator_01_ADD_C, SM_Elevator_01_ADD_D, SM_Elevator_01_ADD_E, SM_Elevator_01_ADD_F, SM_Elevator_01_ADD_G, SM_Elevator_01_ADD_H, SM_Elevator_01_Button_01_ADD_A, SM_ElevatorShaft_01_A_Havser_01, SM_ElevatorShaft_01_B_Havser_01, SM_Wires_02_E01, SM_Wires_02_E02, SM_Wires_02_E03, SM_Wires_02_F01, SM_Wires_02_F02, SM_Wires_02_F03, SM_Wires_02_F04, SM_Wires_02_F05, SM_Wires_02_G05, SM_Wires_02_G06, SM_Wires_02_G07, SM_Wires_02_G08, SM_Wires_02_G09

Triangles Count: Varied (2 to 13790)

LODs: Yes

Number of Meshes: 203

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 88

Number of Textures: 136

Number of Blueprints: 19

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, PlayStation, Xbox, Linux, Max, Oculus, Steam VR

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC


Download Links:

Asset Version (4.27+)


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