Player Building System V2 (5.2)

Player Building System V2 (5.2)

Player Building System V2 brings all the features of the original built from scratch to be easier to use, customize and extend using a component socket system to make adding and editing build parts easy! It also features a new Top Down camera view, 3 tiers of build parts (Wood, Stone and Metal) as well as a new resource system that fully supports the UE4 foliage painter tool.

Works with Unreal Engine 5!
If I own Player Building System V1 can I get a discount/refund when I buy V2
If you bought Player Building System V1 after the 1st January 2021 and you buy Player Building System V2 you can contact me with the receipts for both Player Building System V1 & V2 and I will ask Epic to refund you for Player Building System V1. If you bought Player Building System V1 before the 1st January 2021 then no sorry, no discount or refund is available.

Will Player Building System V1 still get updates?
Yes, it will still get engine updates and bug fixes. It will also be updated to use the new Chaos Destruction system once it is released.

Can I upgrade a Player Building System V1 project to V2?
No, Player Building System V2 is a new project that uses totally new different code and is not an update to Player Building System V1 so there is no update path from a Player Building System V1 project.

Technical Details
Multiplayer Support
Building Ownership, Repair, Pickup and Demolishing
Save System (Does not support World Composition)
Destructible Build Parts
Instance Resource Harvesting
First, Third and Top Down Camera
Code Locks
Interactable Build Parts
Wood, Stone and Metal Build Parts
Damage System
Collapsing Destroyed Build Parts
Grid Snapping Building
Free Placement Building
Fully Commented/Documented
Blueprints: 103
Input: Mouse & Keyboard
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Mac
Important/Additional Notes: APEX Destruction Plugin Must Be Enabled! (Default Enabled)


Download Links:

Asset Version (5.2)

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