Pixelart Samurai Sideview Tileset – #1 – Wasteland (v1.0)


This pack contains 84 environment sprites that can be perfectly used for 2D sideview Metroidvania, Adventure, Endlessrunner and many more game genres. This pack contains 2 beautiful animated characters with 97 character sprites. This pack offers an authentic wasteland environment and is part of a larger Samurai Pixelart series, featuring several environment and character packs. The pack comes with a sky background and 6 environment background layers. By using the 7 different background layers it is possible to achieve brilliant parallax. The pack comes with 2 swordhit particle effects and all character animations as well as their animation controllers are already set up.

The ground tileset is 16×16 pixels and the characters dimensions are 32×32, but for reasons of animation effects their animations come as 104×77. The background objects are shadowed for extra details and realism. The ruletile for the groundtiles is already set up.


  • Ronin with the following Animations:
    • Idle
    • Run
    • Jump
    • Attack
  • Ninja with the following Animations:
    • Idle normal
    • Idle aggressive
    • Switch stance
    • Jump
    • Run
    • Attack
    • Throw Shuriken

Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/pixelart-samurai-sideview-tileset-1-wasteland-243328

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Asset Version (v1.0)

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