Physics Collision Sound (5.3)

Physics Collision Sound (5.3)

A quick and easy way to add impact, sliding, rolling and water impact/tree impact sounds to objects. On different materials it plays different sounds, on Obejects with multiple materials and on Landscapes. Works with a simple drag and drop system


  • simple drag and drop system
  • no Blueprint knowledge needed
  • hitting, sliding, rolling and water sound system
  • different sounds on different materials, even on terrain
  • sound occlusion system
  • volume and pitch relative to objects velocity
  • 214 Sounds (hitting, sliding, rolling and water sounds)
  • mixes sounds together so that even on different materials every impact sound has still its own uniqueness
  • 1 Blueprint for the physics Object
  • 1 BP for the Surface its hitting
  • 1 BP for different sounds when hitting different materials
  • 1 BP for Liquid and Tree rustling sounds
  • Optimized: No use of Tick Events
  • an example map to show the core functionality with example models
  • object, sound occlusion, liquid, foliage sound system
  • ragdoll/skeletal mesh sounds
  • bone specific sounds
  • ALS Support
  • NPC with the AIPerception Component can hear the sound

You can use this Asset for any physics object, just activate the physics and “generate hit events” in the details of the object and add the blueprint “Physics Collision Sound” as a new component. Adding sounds is just a matter of drag and drop.


Download Links:

Asset Version (5.3)

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