Perception 2 | Game Creator 2 by Catsoft Works (v2.1.2)

Perception 2 | Game Creator 2 by Catsoft Works (v2.1.2)

This module requires Game Creator 2 in order to work.

Make your characters undestand the world around them using the Perception component.

This component allows to add multiple sensors that allow characters to read the scene and react accordingly.

The Sight sensor lets characters see tracked objects in front of them. Includes a primary and peripheral vision cone that changes detection speed as objects are further away.

Light can optionally affect how much can characters see other objects using the Luminance system.

The Hearing sensor allows characters to react to noises. Each noise can have its own tag and intensity, and can be masked by ambient noise (called Din).

The Smell sensor makes characters able to catch scents left by other objects and follow trails like a breadcrumb path.

All these sensors contribute to a general Awareness meter which indicates how aware a character is of another game object.

Also includes an Evidence system that allows characters to react to changes made to the world. For example, a guard might notice a door left open by the player.

Characters can also exchange information between them so they appear to be working as a team.


  • Source code
  • Examples & Templates

Technical details


  • Awareness
  • Sight sensor
  • Hearing sensor
  • Smell sensor
  • Evidence system
  • Luminance
  • Ambient Noise
  • Obstruction & Camouflage
  • Compatible with Visual Scripting


  • Source code
  • Demo templates for all use-cases
    • Stealth systems
    • Light affecting sight
    • Hearing and smelling characters
    • Increasing Awareness and change behavior
    • Ambient Noise and reacting to noises
  • Compatible with all Game Creator 2 modules


Download Links:

Asset Version (v2.1.2)

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