Odin Validator scans your project for issues and helps you fix them as they happen. It does only what you want, when you want it to, and is flexible, extendible and fast enough to be a crucial tool in any project, whether small, large or enormous.
- Live background validation
- Extendable issue fixing and bulk fixing
- Create and switch between validation profiles
- Extremely extendable and customizable
- Create rich issue reports with metadata, fixes, scene widgets and more
- Use automation hooks to run at play, build or load time
- Export validation results to HTML and JSON reports
- Highly performant – runs smoothly even in projects with hundreds of thousands of issues
- Detect missing references
- Detect broken assets
- Detect duplicate components
- Detect invalid layer assignments
- Detect shader compiler errors
- Detect broken materials
- Detect renderers with invalid materials
- Detect invalid transform positions
- Detect broken prefab connections
- Detect scenes not in build settings
- Detect use of obsolete components
- Detect missing scripts
- Detect invalid UnityEvent methods
- Required
- Required In
- Assets Only
- Min Value
- Max Value
- Range
- Obsolete
- Disallow Modifications In
- Child Game Objects Only
- Scene Objects Only
- Require Component
- Validate Input
- File Path
- Folder Path
- Min Max Slider
- Dont Validate
Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/odin-validator-227861