Obfuscator Pro (v5.1.2)

Obfuscator Pro (v5.1.2)

Obfuscator Pro was developed to increase your software and game security, especially for applications built with Unity.

Its main objective is to conceal your own proprietary source code, and third party compiled dotNet assemblies as well. We support all known platforms, whether standalone or embedded.

What are Obfuscator Pro’s features?
Being designed for Unity, Obfuscator Pro considers Unity’s unique characteristics, like MonoBehaviours, ScriptableObjects, Serialization and Reflection, giving you a powerful but easy, and out-of-the box working obfuscator.
Obfuscator Pro features range from:
– Member Renaming:
-> Namespaces
-> Classes (also MonoBehaviour and ScriptableObject subclasses)
-> Methods
-> Fields
-> Properties
-> Event
– String obfuscation
– Adding random code
– Anti debugging
– Anti tampering (mono)
– ControlFlow obfuscation (mono)

up to quality-of-life features like:
– Full obfuscation workflow customization
– StackTrace de-obfuscation to allow restoring and debugging of even the most secured assemblies

But why should you choose Obfuscator Pro?
Obfuscator Pro makes it nearly impossible for the bad guys to steal your source code. It also gets regular updates to ensure a high standard of security in the future. Our tool makes sure your source code gets so entangled through renaming, random code and string obfuscation, it will be nearly impossible for anyone to get or analyze your original code.
Obfuscator Pro is the only Unity3d Obfuscator that considers Namespace obfuscation and MonoBehaviour/ScriptableObject obfuscation for all platforms.

Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/obfuscator-pro-89589

Download Links:

Asset Version (v5.1.2)

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