Unity doesn’t have proper support for native sharing, especially for android nougat or above devices. This plugin will help you to share images or any other file with other apps or social sites using Android and iOS native share dialog.
This Native Share plugin makes it easy to share any kind of file easily from your unity project to any compatible app user has installed on their devices (for example Twitter, Instagram, Gmail, and more!). No need to install or implement any app-specific SDKs
* Support for Android OS native share feature.
* Support for iOS native share feature
* Use File Provider for support Android Nogut devices.
* Share text and all most all file type
* Support Same or Multiple Type file Sharing
* Example scene
* Easy to use. Just one line of code for sharing
* No permission needed
* Has Android Callbacks for sharing. (Please see the Documentation for details)
Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/integration/native-share-for-android-and-ios-127249