Multiplayer FPS Procedural Animation Toolkit (5.0)


Control common animations procedurally without making animations! Check the list below.

Technical Details
Adjustable poses for both first and third person view independently (using the same or separate meshes)
Procedural Aiming with the ability to aim and cycle between any sight or mesh on your firearm
Procedural Recoil that’s fully customizable through graphs and variables for randomization
Procedural Leaning left/right
Procedural Looking up/down
Procedural High/Low ready
Procedural Movement/Rotation lag
Procedural Sway
Procedural Breathing
Procedural Sprinting
Procedural weapon shake
Left Hand IK
Control your camera FOV changing amount and speed while aiming/un-aiming
Aim at your sight with a dynamic or fixed distance
Firearm Collision System
Short stocking
Adjustable base pose without the need to edit the animation
Control your grip offset so any firearm can be attached to hand_r in the mannequin or other grip bones without the need for many sockets
Fully control all of the above individually for each firearm
Much More!
Code Modules:
ProceduralFPSAnimation, Runtime
Number of Blueprints: 3
Number of C++ Classes: 3
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: Win64
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64


Download Links:

Asset Version (5.0)

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