Easily implement Mobile Native Toasts inside your applications. Customize toast messages and durations directly in the Unity Inspector.
Dynamic Toasts for Unity Apps
Set Toasts Message & Duration Directly From Unity’s Inspector.
Integrate Mobile Native Toasts notifications into your Unity projects effortlessly with⚡Mobile Native Toasts For Unity⚡
🚫 No Coding Required
Just drag and drop the component and write the toast message!
🔥 Customize Toast messages & durations directly within Unity Inspector
Offering users immediate and intuitive feedback, whether it’s for back button presses or any other in-app actions.
🛠️ Mobile Native Toast For Unity
Ensures a smooth and consistent Android experience within your Unity-based mobile applications.
📌 Note
Our demo showcases Android’s native toast notification for back button presses, a common use case for Unity mobile games.
You can easily extend this to trigger any toast message from anywhere in your project by calling, the ShowToast method.
Technical details
- Supported Platforms: Android
- Customizable Fields: Toast message, Toast duration (short/long)
- Scripting Language: C#
- File Size: Minimal, single script implementation
Original_Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/mobile-native-toast-for-unity-293064
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Asset Version v1.0.0 (Nov 18 2024)