This collection of AAA radios will suit a variety of situations in your game. High fidelity, suitable for first-person or third-person use. Dynamic world-aligned moss and mud materials are included, allowing you to fit these props into any situation!
- Radiostation Charger
- Radiostation Microphone Controller
- Radiostation P020
- Radiostation PRC2080
- Radiostation PRC2082
- Radiostation R107
- Radiostation R161
- Radiostation R309
- Radiostation R310
- Radiostation R997
Technical Details
- 10 AAA-quality static meshes
Number of Unique Meshes:10
Collision: Yes
Vertex Count: 3.9k – 61k triangles
LODs: Yes
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 4 Master, 4 Function, 10 Instances
Number of Textures: 15 Master Textures, 34 Asset Textures
Texture Resolutions: 4k Asset Textures