MGT Multiplayer Gravity Template (5.3)


Replicate a dynamic gravity in a multiplayer game

Technical Details

– Multiplayer Dynamic Gravity (not only directional) : one player can run on a cylinder while another runs on a cone.

– AI navigation (béta) – you can use bots (video and tuto)

– dynamic gravity for real physical objects (you can push them, all players will see them at the same places)

– Run on spheres, cubes, cones, cylinders, pipes, rings or create your own custom 3D models (tuto)

– FPS view / Third Person View

– Host / join interface

– Animation system (animate side steps, run diagonally) 3 min video

– run on moving objects / starship gravity (alpha version solo mode only)

– teleportation & gravity selector system

– 5 emissive materials

– 1 module dedicated to Voxel Plugin: create spherical gravity on huge planets (max size 10 000) (beta)

– 100% blueprint (no need to know c++)

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes


Download Links:

Asset Version (5.3)

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