MetaShoot v3.2 (5.2, 5.3)

MetaShoot v3.2 (5.2, 5.3)

MetaShoot includes lighting and render presets, a simplified render interface, a 360 Camera / HDRI Maker, and 14 ultra-realistic interactive assets to create your own virtual photo studio.

On top of the hyper-realistic lighting assets and environments, MetaShootâ„¢ is all about simplicity. One single click on the Render button automatically renders all the selected cameras, without having to create Level Sequences, adjust settings or use the Movie Render Queue at all.

Just one click.

In the past, HDRIs have been used to mimic realistic lighting in rendering. With MetaShoot, lights behave in a physical way – the diffusers of the softboxes light up according to the intensity of the light inside them, giving the scene hyper-real reflections and accurate lighting distribution – everything in a 3D space instead of a flat projection thanks to Unreal Engine’s raytracing.

All the assets and the render interface can be used in any project and scene, not only in MetaShoot environments. The one-click render button can be used in any project to create instant high quality renders of it. No more having to create a unique Level Sequence for every single render.

It also comes with 3 extra buttons to run console commands that experienced users usually have to type in every project: fixing the DOF, fixing the texture streaming pool and fixing instanced meshes in the Path Tracer.

Technical Details


  •  Interactive Photo Studio
  • One-click Render System
  •  Simplified Render Interface
  •  8 different lights and softboxes
  • Live-updated tripod and scissor support
  • DSLR camera
  • 360 camera
  • Turntable
  • Target tracking system for cameras and lights
  • 8 lighting and studio presets
  • Customizable cyclorama

Code Modules:

  •  MetaShoot, Runtime
  •  MetaShootEditor, Editor

Number of Blueprints: 24

Number of C++ Classes: 15

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Win-64

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win-64


Download Links:

Asset Version v3.2 (5.2, 5.3)

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