Mediterranean Island Town and Army base (5.1+)


Mediterranean island map with multiple detailed locations, Town, Army Base, Pier etc. There are many gameplay possibilities well suited for this map, like Battle-Royale and Mil-Sim FPS. Some of the main buildings are enterable, like Temple, Army tents, Hangars, bar.

Technical details

Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  •  Town, with 9 prebuilt houses and 11 blocks you can use to build your own. (Main buildings, like Temple, Hangar, Army buildings and Bar are enterable and have basic interior)
  •  Multiple Vehicles, Pickup truck, Cargo truck (3 variations), Quad bike, Helicopter, Drone, 5 Boats, Bike
  • Large Scenery assets, Radio Tower, Water tower, Gas station, Town sign.
  •  Foliage – 5 Trees, 2 Bushes, small foliage, Cliffs, rocks, etc
  • Army base training grounds, Barracks, Tents, Shooting range, Radars etc, Guard Tower
  • A lot of smaller and larger supporting props

Number of Unique Meshes:489

Collision: (Yes/No, and specify which type — custom, automatically generated, or per-poly?)

Vertex Count:4-200k

LODs: (Yes/No)Yes

Number of Materials and Material Instances:279

Number of Textures:666

Texture Resolutions: (Please list all various texture resolutions)512-4096

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes/No)Yes

Mac: (Yes/No)Yes

Documentation: Link (or a description of where users can find) the documentation

Important/Additional Notes: More Screenshots and Videos:

Video Fly-Trough:


Download Links:

Asset Version (5.1+)

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