Loot Anim Set (4.26+)



  • v1.2 Added 26 anims (touch up on few anims, generic rummage, upright/laying corpse loot, treasure chest) Video (November 16 2021)
  • v1.1 Added 32 Anims (inspect, pickpocket, loop states) (September 12 2021)

Production Description

  • Total Animations: 27 + (58 anims from updates)
  • 3 Backpack
  • 4 Floor Pick Ups
  • 4 Corpse Loot
  • 16 Object Interaction


  • blueprints for any game play not included, this is strictly an asset pack
  • character models from the promotional video and images not included

Technical Details


  •  pose matched start and end frames to the provided Idle animation
  •  If using UE4, you don’t need to re-target animations. It uses the default UE4 mannequin. If UE5, you need to retarget using Epic’s retarget tool. Tutorial
  •  Hand Crafted animation from an professional Animator

Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes

If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: Yes

Number of Animations: 85

Animation types: Root Motion

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Original_Link: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/loot-anim-set

Download Links:

Asset Version (4.26+)

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