The Animal controller evolved into its own Asset. Therefore is no longer included in the asset. Apologies for the inconvenience this may cause.
To take full advantage of this asset:
It’s recommended to be used with Animal Controller (AC).
If you have your own character controller, you don’t need to get the Animal Controller
(Poly Art, Toon, Simple and Realistic Styles)
Technical details
They come with +120 AAA Animations
5 different Textures
3 Different Eyes Styles x 8 Different colors.
Number of textures: 24
Texture sizes: 256 ~ 4k
Tris count:
Toon: 4220
PolyArt: 1576
Simple Box: 1684
Realistic: 12114
Number of prefabs: 12
Rigging: Yes
Animation count: +95 (RootMotion)
UV mapping: Yes