LCD Shader | LCD Object Shader for Unity URP (v1.1.0)

LCD Shader | LCD Object Shader for Unity URP (v1.1.0)

What is it?

This is an object shader. You apply it to objects in your scene to make them look like LCD Screens.
This is NOT a screen post-process. You do NOT apply it to your entire screen to make it look like your game is rendered through an LCD filter.


Emulates the unique distortions of modern display panels, such as brightness loss, chroma loss, and hue shifting
Includes subpixel screen details, scanlines, and microdisplay noise
Customizable diode arrangement, diode style, and scanline styles
Includes 5 diode arrangements, 12 diode styles, and 4 scanline styles out of the box. These are simple textures. You can make your own and add more.
This asset uses Shader Graph.

Asset Resources

1 Shader Graph
2 Subgraphs
5 Diode Arrangements
12 Diode Styles
4 Scanline Styles
Custom Shader Editor
Demo Resources

One Image
One Video
2 Demo Materials
1 Demo Scene
Demo Animations
2 Demo Prefabs (one for Image, one for Video)
2 Screen Samples (16:9, 9:16 variants)


Download Links:

Asset Version (v1.1.0)

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