GBWFlowMove – High-speed Movement system, Multiplayer Ready! v1.0 (5.0, 5.1, 5.2)


(Note: GBWPowerfulHit plug-in is a complete combat system solution, and has many features built in to enhance combat performance. FlowMove plug-in is also one of the features built in PowerfulHit to enhance combat performance.)

Technical Details
The coolest Movement system, Multiplayer Ready!
Adopt customized RMS system for motion control and high-performance network replication
Fully implemented using C++, which can be used in both C++and blueprints
It has nothing to do with animation blueprints, and has absolutely no damage to your own animation system
Starting with DemoProject, use the fastest speed to instantly equip your own character with the ability to FlowMove!
A well-designed framework that can extend FlowMove in C++ or blueprints based on your own needs
Timely and effective online technical support. If you follow my Discord channel, you will find that if you encounter problems, you can always find me there
Code Modules: (Please include a full list of each Plugin module and their module type (Runtime, Editor etc.))
GBWFlowMove (Runtime)
GBWRMS (Runtime)
Number of Blueprints: 0
Number of C++ Classes: 22
Network Replicated: (Of course Yes. All GBWGame products support network replication)
Supported Development Platforms: (WIn64)
Supported Target Build Platforms: (WIn64)


Download Links:

Asset Version v1.0 (5.2)

Asset Version v1.0 (5.0, 5.1)

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