This pack contains four types of fog: post-processing, flat fog on planes, particle fog (Niaga system) and volumetric fog. These are 4 main materials and a set of textures for them. The materials provide a wide range of settings for creating your own unique effect. Depending on the need, you can use or disable some functions to reduce its cost. For convenience, a widget for volumetric fog is included. The package includes 2 demo maps and 1 showcase map.
Important: See the documentation.
- Cloud Textures Side: 24 + 24 Normal (+ A-B variation)
- Cloud Textures Side Tile: 12 + Normal (+ A-B variation)
- Cloud Textures Up (for Volumetric Fog): 24 (+ A-B variation)
- Cloud Textures Up Tile (for Volumetric Fog): 12 (+ A-B variation)
- Cloud Fill: 6 + 6 tile variation + 12 Normal
- Perlin Fill: 4 + 4 tile variation + 8 Normal
- Voronoi Fill: 4 + 12 tile variation + 32 Normal
- Circle Distortion: 24 + 24 tile variation
- Shape Mask: 22
- Smoke Textures: 4 + 4 Normal (+ A-B variation)
- Smoke Textures Fill: 2 + 2 Normal (+ A-B variation)
- Dust Textures: 8 (+ A-B variation)
- Dust Simple Textures: 4
Volume Textures:​
- Volume Textures Perlin: 6 + 6 tile variation
- Volume Textures Voronoi: 20 + 20 tile variation + 10 Combination
- Volume Circle Distortion: 12 + 12 tile variation
- Volume Shape Mask: Sphere + 4 variation, Cube + 4 variation
- Volume Shape Mask: Sphere Hollow + 3 variation, Cube Hollow + 3 variation
- Material Master Fog: 3 + Base Instance and BluePrint (+ 5 for Niagara)
- Material Instance and BluePrint Cloud Plane: 36 + 36
Niagara System:​
- 5 Master for particle (additive (+ normal), mask, translucent (+ normal)).
- Dust Niagara: 7 Examples (+ 7 Dust glow)
- Fog Niagara: 3 Examples
- Smoke Niagara: 6 Examples
- Static Meshes: 24 Stones, 8 Trees
- 2 Demo map included
- Auto material for landscape
Technical details​
Number of Unique Effects:
- LODs: (Yes)
- Number of LODs: (1-4)
- Number of Materials: 17
- Number of Material Instances: 208
- Number of Textures: 681
- Number of Meshes: 81
- Niagara System: 23
Texture Resolutions: (Please list the range of texture resolutions)
- 2048×2048
- 4096×4096
- 256×16
- 256×256
- 512×512
Number of Blueprints: 115
Supported Development Platforms:
- Windows: (Yes)
- Mac: (Yes)
Important/Additional Notes:
Volumetric fog has a limited rendering distance (settings in “ExponrntinalHeightFog”) with a strong value, jittering appears.
The quality of volumetric fog can be increased by command lines, but this can greatly affect performance.
- Quality of fog at a distance:
r.VolumetricFog.GridPixelSize 4 (the less the better the quality, 8 – defailt)
- Fog Jitter (Fog shadow jitter):
r.VolumetricFog.GridSizeZ 256 (the more the better the quality, 128-default)
There are also settings in lighting that greatly affect the display of volumetric fog (see the product documentation).