Flying Navigation System (5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4)


A feature-complete and easy to use Navigation System for flying AI agents. With full 3D pathfinding capability, this plugin is perfect for building advanced flying AI that can intelligently navigate under bridges, around cities and through epic space battles. This plugin is capable of pathfinding in large worlds, as processing time is concentrated in detailed areas. With multithreaded building and asynchronous pathfinding support, your flying AI needn’t break the frame budget. The deep integration into the existing navigation system will get you up and running in no time.

The Flying Navigation System does not interfere with the default NavWalking navigation system, which can be used at the same time.

Technical Details


  • Full 3D Pathfinding capability for flying AI using an octree structure
  • 3 Pathfinding algorithms (A*, Lazy Theta* and Theta*) with various optimisation options
  • Multithreaded octree generation (up to 8 threads)
  • Compatible with Behaviour Trees and the MoveToLocation blueprint node
  • Allows for agents with a large radius
  • Compact memory format
  • Supports procedural levels
  • Accessible Blueprint and C++ API for runtime building and custom querying
  • Fast debug drawing
  • Fast testing of accessible paths (precomputed connectivity)
  • Fast raycasting against octree structure

Code Modules:

  •  FlyingNavSystem (Runtime)

Number of Blueprints: N/A

Number of C++ Classes: 14

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux


Download Links:

Asset Version v1.0.17 (5.4)

Asset Version v1.0.17 (5.3)

Asset Version v1.0.16 (5.2)

Asset Version v1.0.14 (5.1)

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